Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can read through our most frequently asked questions in order to find out more on options that we offer and benefits that you get while dealing with us.

In order to guarantee the quality of our precious metals, VK Kohinoor only buys back those products, which are currently stored in our secured vaults. We cannot buy from you any products that have been delivered or stored elsewhere. To sell your stored products, simply go to your Wallet page and select the products you want to sell. 

Once the sale is completed, you will receive the money in your VK Kohinoor Pay account. You will then be able to make a withdrawal to your bank account. We will proceed with the transfer within the next 72 hours.

VK Kohinoor will buy back your stored products at SPOT price (also known as the market price). There will be 4% admin fees deducted on the total invoice amount. Please note that we only buy back products bought and stored with VK Kohinoor.

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